
Damn you Timmy’s commercial!

Picture this…5 month pregnant wife sitting down on the sofa watching some TV with her hubby when he fast forwards through a Tim Horton’s commercial……

I know you’re probably thinking, ok, so what’s your point? My point is…PREGNANCY CRAVINGS…c’mon, I thought that would have been a given haha! So after watching our show (Blue Bloods on PVR…we love it) I turn to my hubby and say, “OMG after seeing that Tim’s commercial I really want a donut” and he looks at me very seriously and says “it’s your fault”…WHAT? haha. What the hell is that supposed to mean I ask. He says that he too has a craving after seeing that commercial and it must be my fault that he’s craving it haha. Now, I’ve never been one for cravings and sending my husband out at all hours of the night to get me weird and crazy food, but I was thinking, since he has the same craving maybe this might be a first. So of course I turn to him and say “ummmm wanna go get me one?” and what does he do? He points to the car keys and says “go” hahahahaha nice!

Damn I really want one…anyone wanna go for me? LOL


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