
Tasty Tuesdays ~ Blueberry Chia Pudding

Guest Blog Written By: Melissa from The Mutts Kitchen


Hello Chic Mammas,

Today I am bringing you a diabetic friendly dessert alternative.

Last week I told you ladies about my struggle with missing pizza. Another big one for most people with diabetes is dessert. Let’s face it; a lot of desserts are full of sugar and carbs. Both are not a diabetic’s friend at all.

This dessert is not only low in sugar and carbs, but actually tastes good. Give it a try, maybe even change up the fruit. This is my go to guilt free dessert and I hope you ladies will love it too.

This week in The Mutts Kitchen we will be focusing on foods from around the world. I can not wait to hear the recipe for Ashley’s curry chicken and other yummy dishes that will be served in The Mutts Kitchen this week.


chia pudding final


1 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
1/3 cup chia seeds
1 1/2 tbsp honey
1/4 cup blueberries, chopped


1. Wash and chop the blueberries. In a bowl add milk, honey and blueberries. Mix the ingredients together.

2. Add in the chia seeds and mix well. Cover and place in the fridge overnight.

From our kitchen to yours.

For more from The Mutts Kitchen be sure to check them out on
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