
A Sad Day for Nutella Lovers :(

Yesterday was a bitter sweet day. A day of love with it being Valentine’s Day but also a day of sorrow for many with the passing of Michele Ferrero (son of Pietro Ferrero, the founder of Nutella).

A legend in the chocolate world has left us but he leaves behind his family’s ever famous Nutella! Michele Ferrero and his family brought joy to many including myself. One of my very first memories of Nutella goes back to when I was just 3 years old in Italy visiting my grandparents. My Nonno Franco would often go out and buy my sisters and I Nutella…the one in the glass jar that once finished you would keep as a souvenir drinking cup. As you can see Nutella has been a part of my life from early on and hearing this news saddens me 🙁 .

So as we mourn the loss of Michele lets get a spoonful of our favourite chocolate hazelnut spread and stuff our faces in his honour.

R.I.P. Mr. Ferrero we will forever be grateful for what you, your father and your family have given us…our beloved NUTELLA!

Now I leave you with a little song, I hope you enjoy it!

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