
Better Days are here…

Music is a huge part of my life; it always has been. I listen when I’m happy, I listen when I’m sad, I listen when I’m mad, I listen 24/7. It allows me to travel back in time and relive moments, and sometimes those moments include people that are no longer here. Music is a form of therapy for me, and it heals. No matter what I may be going through in life, good or bad, I can always find a song that speaks to me, and when I can’t find the words to speak, I can always find the lyrics in a song that explain exactly what I’m feeling at that given moment.

Two days ago, one of my favourite musicians, Dermot Kennedy, released a new song, “Better Days” and I haven’t been able to stop listening. That’s what I do when I hear a song that speaks to me; I listen to it over and over and over again. I break it down, the music, the instruments, I listen to the vocals, and of course, the lyrics.

This song, in particular, hit me hard. It was as if he was speaking directly to me, and I couldn’t help but get emotional while listening. Think about that for a moment; that’s how powerful music is. It can invoke certain feelings within you, bring you back, fill your heart and, in this case, give you hope. It’s pretty beautiful and amazing how magical music is. It truly is one of the best forms of medicine; well, for me at least, it’s music, laughter and hugs.

Listening to the lyrics of this song made my heart full, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. My story has changed, and with hurt and pain came much-needed growth; it’s been a long 7-years but, I’m happy to say that I’m on the other side of the storm now and, I’m so proud of myself. The rain is never permanent and, sometimes those nights do feel like forever but, my better days are here, and I’m now dancing in the sun!

Take a listen; I hope it makes you smile, and remember that when someone shares music with you, be sure to embrace it because they say that when someone shares music with you, they are giving you a little glimpse into their soul, and it’s one of the most intimate things they can share.


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