
Long Weekend Burgers

The long weekend is upon us and for many, it means quality time with the ones we love and that usually involves food. Picnics, BBQ's, pool parties, matter how you slice or dice it, what it all comes down to is good company and good food! For me, long weekends always involve the grill and one of my fave things to put on the grill is homemade burgers. With that said I only thought it ... Read the Post

FML it’s the LAST DAY of SCHOOL!

The kids have been shipped off to school for their last day! They are happy and excited because summer break will officially be underway this afternoon. Meanwhile, I'm here with Mr. Cranky Pants Marcus who doesn't want to eat breakfast and is crying for chocolate. Like really?! My heart is racing and my head is pounding just thinking about having all 3 of them together 24/7 screaming, fighting and ... Read the Post

She believed she could BUT…

Honest to God I just want to freeze time and sleep for a week. No matter what I do I just feel like I can't catch up. I cross one thing off my to-do list and end up adding another 5 things to the list. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done and damn it's exhausting. Between the kids, work, home and trying to get some ME time into it, the 24 hours that make-up ... Read the Post

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