
Find your TRIBE!

Life is interesting! It can be awesome, crazy and even funny at times but it's definitely not easy! It has it's up and downs, highs and lows, good times and bad. One minute you can feel loved and surrounded by many and the next feel so alone and isolated. I remember when I first became a Mamma, I can still remember that feeling of being lost and lonely. I went to the hospital as Pina...1 ... Read the Post

To My Bestfriend

Today is National Bestfriend Day and so I thought I'd introduce you to my best friend. Meet Marc! Marc is the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for. When I tell people about Marc they usually give me a confused look because my best friend is a guy but truthfully I wouldn't have it any other way. This guy has stood by my side for the past 21 years...yup 21 fuckin years, crazy right? ... Read the Post

Feeding the family…

Your alarm goes off and it's time to start another day...but not just an ordinary day. Because let's get real, that doesn't happen when you're a mom and you have kids to take care of! Your day constantly revolves around the little people who follow you around calling you "Mamma" from morning to night. Oh boy, has life changed since becoming a mom! Things that weren't important to us before are ... Read the Post

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