
It’s a night to celebrate your inner woman…

Picture it...a night out, just the ladies (that's right no kiddies or significant others), food, beauty, shopping, fashion and fun? Could life get any better? LOL ;) All kidding aside, we at are very excited and proud to be a sponsor of Luminous that we can't stop talking about it to everyone we run into! It's happening on Thursday, May 22nd at The Hilton Garden Inn (Vaughan) ... Read the Post

Never underestimate a GIRL ;)

Kids trucks and construction toys for boy and pink dolls and toy kitchens for girls. Yes, somethings have changed and it isn't as bad as it used to be, but for the most part when you visit the toy store that's the sort of thing you'll find. Well, a company by the name of GoldieBlox which was founded by a female engineer (Debbie Sterling) in 2012 thought that maybe it was time to shake ... Read the Post

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