
Damn you Timmy’s commercial!

Picture this...5 month pregnant wife sitting down on the sofa watching some TV with her hubby when he fast forwards through a Tim Horton's commercial...... I know you're probably thinking, ok, so what's your point? My point is...PREGNANCY CRAVINGS...c'mon, I thought that would have been a given haha! So after watching our show (Blue Bloods on PVR...we love it) I turn to my hubby and say, "OMG ... Read the Post

The PERFECT Valentine’s Gift

For those of you that know me, then you know that I'm a huge Wee Piggies and Paws (Vaughan/South Richmond Hill) fan. I just can't stop talking about Angie (the owner who is awesome) and all the beautiful things they do. Well, we are a month away from Valentine's Day and I thought there is no better time than now to share with you a few of my favourite Wee Piggies items that would make perfect ... Read the Post

A Pampers DEAL you don’t wanna miss! has a great deal on right now for all you Pampers loving Mummies! Click here to subscribe to Pampers Cruisers or Pampers Baby Dry Value Packs between January 14th and April 15th and save 15% on the first 3 packs. PLUS you'll get a bonus 50 welcome Pampers Gift to Grow points when you sign up and can earn up to 500 Gift to Grow points! So what are you waiting for? CLICK HERE and ... Read the Post

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