
A New Hope

I hate saying the word so I often refer to it as "THE BIG C" when talking about this horrible disease. We all know someone who has it or had it and it's crazy knowing how many people are affected by it. The thought of it honestly makes me sick to my stomach. I recently came across a Youtube video that was posted by The New York Times about a tattoo artist and it brought tears to my eyes. You're ... Read the Post

The Chic Mammas are BACK!

The Chic Mammas are geared up and back for the 2nd Annual CIBC Run for the Cure (Woodbridge/Vaughan) and we couldn't be more excited! Not only are we a local sponsor for the second year in a row but our team is back and we're ready to ROCK ;) . Unfortunately the big "C" is something that affects us all (like it or not). No matter what corner you turn these days you know someone who has fought ... Read the Post

A Beautiful Gift from a Father to his Daughter

Josie & Jim Zetz Photographed By: Lindsey Villatoro of Love Song Photography The relationship between a father and daughter is a truly special one. Our father's are our heroes, loves, protectors, saviours, biggest fans, best friends and much more! It's a relationship that can never be replaced or duplicated. Being a daddy's girl myself I can tell you that without my father I'd be lost. My ... Read the Post

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