
It’s time to shop…ERIN MILLS TOWN CENTRE style!

Another morning of rummaging through my drawers, frantically whipping through my closet just to realize that it's time for this Mamma to go shopping! YES! FOR MYSELF! Not for the kids, not for the husband, JUST FOR ME! How many of you are like me and although you may have gone shopping recently it was probably for everyone else in your household but not for yourself? Right? After having kids ... Read the Post

Holiday Gift Guide with Signature Little Ones

Sometimes shopping for the wee little ones can be a lot harder than you think. First off babies don't need much...some clothes, a few toys, what else? They grow so fast so that they don't really need a crazy wardrobe and there's only so many toys you can get them...often they just sit there. So, what's a great gift you can give that will be used and as a bonus makes a great keepsake? Something ... Read the Post

No Baby Unhugged

You're pregnant and counting down till that 40 week mark but for some their little ones decide to come along much sooner. Today is World Prematurity Day, a day dedicated to raise awareness for all the babies who are born prematurely worldwide. The arrival of your baby is an exciting and joyous time but for parents of premature babies it's also a worrisome and scary time. These babies are ... Read the Post

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