
The Little Baker Girl Hits YouTube

I'm one of those people who just can't seem to get enough of YouTube videos. There's nothing like sitting down at the computer, hitting up YouTube and watching random videos. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll shake your head and sometimes you'll even wish you could get those wasted 2 minutes back lol. Recently I got to check out a new YouTube video channel called Little Baker Girl and it's the ... Read the Post

A New Hope

I hate saying the word so I often refer to it as "THE BIG C" when talking about this horrible disease. We all know someone who has it or had it and it's crazy knowing how many people are affected by it. The thought of it honestly makes me sick to my stomach. I recently came across a Youtube video that was posted by The New York Times about a tattoo artist and it brought tears to my eyes. You're ... Read the Post

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