
Fifty Shades of Grey is COMING!!!

Women everywhere know about Fifty Shades of Grey and the majority of you, if not all, have probably read the book(s) too! Well after a LONGGGGGGG wait the movie is finally finished and the trailer has been released. If you haven't seen it yet, you should, but to make it even better check out this version of the trailer from Nutty Madam on YouTube haha. This woman is awesome and makes watching the ... Read the Post

How every woman should apply her makeup…

You always see makeup tutorials floating around the internet but this by far is the best one I've ever seen! It's done by Anna Akana and my girlfriend and fellow Chic Mamma April posted and shared it on her fb page last night (thanks for sharing April cuz this is awesome). I love it for two reasons...the first because Anna is amazing, real and says it like it is (more women should be like this) ... Read the Post


I came across this video a few days ago and I can't seem to get it out of my mind. As I began to watch it made me sad and not only for me but for my two girls. You always hear stupid crap like oh you do this "like a girl" or that "like a girl" and it was never said in a positive way until now. Although many times I would think to myself...well WTF do you mean I do this "like a girl" I never really ... Read the Post

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